ACL Reconstruction & Injury Treatment

The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is one of the main stabilizing ligaments in your knee. ACL tears are common in sports that involve sudden stops, jumping, and changing direction.

If you think you have an ACL tear, or scheduled for surgery, our registered physiotherapists can conduct a skilled assessment and examination of the knee and initiate appropriate treatment. Call Us today at 416-691-3943 or contact us here to put yourself on the path to recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions About ACL Reconstruction

How long is recovery for ACL injury?
Length of recovery from an ACL injury is dependent on the patient’s degree of injury, activity level and level of instability. Full recovery (return to sport) generally takes 6-12 months.
What are some techniques provided for ACL prehab?
Manual therapy is often used to restore range of motion in the knee, while modalities such as acupuncture/dry needling and electrical stimulation may be used to promote blood flow and healing in the region. A progressive exercise program to build strength, range of motion, and stability across the knee joint is critical for proper recovery.
Does ACL recovery therapy hurt?
After surgery the knee tends to become very stiff and the nerves in the region become sensitized. The first few visits may be a little bit uncomfortable as you work through the initial movement restrictions and sensitivity with your therapist. Pain levels tend to diminish significantly after the first few visits.
How long does the recovery therapy last?
Once you start physiotherapy, you can expect to see your therapist regularly for approximately 3 months to work on range motion restoration and baseline strength. After the first 3 months, the frequency of visits tends to lessen, with follow ups focused on exercise progression.
How long does it take for my ACL injury to fully recover after therapy?
Once you start physiotherapy, you can expect to see your therapist regularly for approximately 3 months to work on range motion restoration and baseline strength. After the first 3 months, the frequency of visits tends to lessen, with follow ups focused on exercise progression.
Can an ACL tear heal without surgery?
A torn ACL cannot heal on its own. Due to its location within the knee joint, the ligament doesn’t have access to blood supply required for healing. The ACL’s primary function is to create stability in the knee. Whether or not you will require surgery is dependent on the severity of the tear, your level of sport and activity, and how stable the knee is after the injury.
What is the fastest way to recover from an ACL injury?
The best way to recover from an ACL injury is to make sure you follow the post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon and consult with a physiotherapist as soon as possible. Strictly following the treatment plan prescribed by your physiotherapist will accelerate your recovery. Ensuring proper nutrition and rest periods can also help the body recover more quickly.