Hip & Pelvic Pain Treatment

The hip is a ball and socket joint that attaches the thigh to the pelvis. While many causes of hip pain can arise from the joint itself, pain can be referred from other structures outside the hip joint, such as the spine, related muscles, or other factors.

Bursa Inflammation (Hip Bursitis)

Bursae are sacs of liquid found between tissues such as bone, muscles, and tendons. They ease the friction from these tissues rubbing together.


Osteoarthritis is a common causes of hip pain, especially in adults over 50 years of age, and affects 1 in 9 Canadians to a significant degree. Arthritis is associated with inflammation of the hip joint and the breakdown of the cartilage that cushions your hip bones.

Sacroiliac joint disorders (SI joint)

The SI joint is part of the bony structures that give stability and load transfer ability to the pelvis. It can be a common pain source both before, during and after pregnancy, and can be injured by traumatic strains.

Tendinitis/Overuse Injuries

Hip pain may also arise from injuries in which muscles, tendons, and ligaments become inflamed. Tendons are the thick bands of tissue that attach bones to muscles.

Hamstring/groin strains

Hamstring and groin strains (pulled groin) are commonly seen in many sports, including hockey, soccer, and baseball. Both of these tendons attach to the pelvis and are injured by fast, dynamic movements, or caused by repetitive strain of tight or weak muscles.

Muscle imbalances

The pelvis and hip joint can commonly suffer from problems related to imbalances of strength, flexibility or muscle weakness syndromes, with many causes.

Hip Fractures

A fall is the most common reason that people fracture a hip and is usually due to a combination of the effects of aging and osteoporosis. A hip fracture, refers to a fracture of the upper part of the femur or thigh bone.

Hip Labral Tear

Hip Labral Tear – is a tear in the ring of cartilage (called the labrum) that is located on the outside rim of the socket of your hip joint.

Prenatal/Postpartum Pain

Many women who are pregnant or have just given birth can have hip or pelvic pain.

Referred Hip Pain

Hip pain may not originate in the hip itself but may be felt there due to problems in surrounding structures.

A hernia or tear of the abdominal wall may cause pain in the front of the hip.

Physiotherapy Treatment For Hip & Pelvic Pain

Physiotherapy treatment and management of the above conditions has been proven to be helpful to improve pain, help in recovery and deal with chronic symptoms.

To book an appointment, Call Us today at 844-349-3569 or contact us here

Frequently Asked Questions About Hip & Pelvic Pain

What are some excercise therapy techniques for hip and pelvic treatment?
The causes of hip and pelvic pain are diverse; as such generic exercise is rarely of help. Consult your physiotherapist for a customized care plan based on a thorough assessment.
What gynecological problems cause hip pain?
Differential diagnosis of hip pain includes considering sources of pain that can refer to the hip region. These could be conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or other abdominal pain sources, such gastroenteritis.
What are the first signs of hip problems?
Early signs of hip arthritis can be stiffness of the hip on rising, and subtle loss of range of movement. Other early signs of soft tissue pain can be tender or trigger points in the muscles around the hip.
How do I know if my hip pain is serious?
Hip pain alone is rarely an indicator of a serious issue. If associated with an injury or trauma,, you should seek medical care if you can't easy move the leg or hip due to pain, or you cannot take weight on it, or any sudden swelling or change of appearance in the leg is notable.
Does walking help hip pain?
Walking can often reduce the stiffness associated with mild hip issues; in some cases it can aggravate the problem. Listen to your symptoms and exercise in your pain tolerance, and consult a physiotherapist for a personalised care plan.
How should I sit with hip pain?
Hip pain for some can be increased with sitting if you spend prolonged periods with the hips bent past a 90 degree angle. Adjust your posture to prevent this. Also, prolonged sitting can cause shortnening of the hip flexor muscles, so anyone who sits frequently should stretch the front of the hip in a lunge stretch. This may also reduce back pain associated with sitting.
How do you stretch your hip when it hurts?
This is not a simple answer as the condition causing the pain dictates the therapy plan. In general terms, if a muscle feels stiff and tight, gentle range of motion exercise to stretch into stiffness may help; if the hip joint is sore, stretching away from the pain may help, as alos may cyclic motion such as riding a stationaru bike.