Neck Pain Therapy & Treatment

Neck pain is a common issue, affecting many people over their lifetime. Pain can occur anywhere from the bottom of your head to the top of your shoulders and can spread to the upper back.

Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease

The cervical spine experiences wear and tear over time. If a disc degenerates enough, it can lead to painful irritation of the cervical nerve or pain from increased joint and ligament stress.

Herniated Disc

A cervical disc is herniated when its jelly-like inner layer leaks out through a tear in the disc’s protective outer layer.


Whiplash is caused by the head and neck suddenly forced backward and immediately forward with considerable force.

Cervical Osteoarthritis

When the cartilage in a cervical facet joint wears down enough, it can lead to osteoarthritis, also known as cervical spondylosis.

Spinal stenosis occurs when spinal degeneration leads to a narrowing of the spinal canal, such as from a herniated disc that pushes into the spinal canal or bone spurs that grow into the canal.

Cervical Foraminal Stenosis and Cervical Radiculopathy

This condition occurs when the holes (foramen) in the vertebrae, through which nerve roots exit the spinal canal, become narrow.

Myofascial Pain

Achy muscles and surrounding connective tissue can cause irritable trigger points in muscle, typically in the upper back or neck.


Neck problems also affect muscles and nerves connected to the head.

Physiotherapy Treatment

Management of the above conditions has been proven to be helpful in relieving pain, speed up recovery and manage chronic issues.

To book an appointment, Call Us today at 416-691-3943 or contact us here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Neck Pain

Can neck pain be a sign of something serious?
Neck pain alone is rarely a symptom of a more serious problem. Seek medical care if your neck pain is present with numbness, loss of strength in your arms or hands or if you have shooting pain into your shoulder or down your arm.
How does a pinched nerve in the neck feel?
A pinched nerve will usually present with pain referred into the arm, and/or upper back, and be associated with numbness, pins & needles or tingling. Pain quality may vary from unpleasant sharp pain, to a dull ache. Referred pain in the arm may be triggered by head movements such as twisting and looking upward
When should I be worried of neck pain?
If your neck pain is intense, and associated with headache, and it's the worst pain you've ever had, and different than your usual pain, seek urgent medical care
How should I sleep with neck pain?
Try and choose a pillow that keeps you neck supported both on your side and lying on your back. Avoid stomach sleeping.
How do you loosen tight neck muscles?
Gentle stretching and exercise strategies such as chin retractions, postural exercise or other self care tools can help. Consult with a physiotherapist today to get personalized care.
Should I sleep without a pillow after neck therapy?
Generally the neck will be better supported with a pillow when sleeping.
Does stress cause neck pain?
Stress can be a significant contributor to neck pain. Stressors, both mechanical and mental in nature, can cause increased tone (tightness) of the neck muscles and contribute to painful muscular trigger points.