Sports Injury Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Treatment in Toronto

Injuries are common when participating in sports. They can range from traumatic injuries from sudden impact to overuse injuries from repetitive strain, and anywhere in between.

Common sports injuries we treat:

Ankle sprain

Ankle sprains make up 85 percent of all ankle injuries. A sprain occurs when ligaments tear or are overstretched. Ligaments help stabilize joints, preventing excessive movement between bones.

Rotator Cuff Injury

Rotator cuff injuries can range from mild to severe. Tendonitis is an injury caused by overuse of the rotator cuff and causes it to become inflamed.

Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)

This is an overuse injury that causes pain and inflammation of the tendons that attach to the outer boney prominence (lateral epicondyle) of the elbow.

Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow)

This condition causes pain where the tendons of your forearm muscles attach to the bone on the inside of your elbow.

Hamstring/Groin Strains

Hamstring and groin injuries are commonly seen in many sports such as hockey, soccer, and baseball.

Patellar Tendon Problems

Jumper’s knee or patellar tendonitis is an overuse injury that causes pain at the front of the knee.

Patellofemoral Pain or Chondromalacia Patella (Runner’s Knee)

Pain is located at the front of the knee or behind the kneecap. It commonly occurs in those who frequently play sports, and particular in adolescent girls.


A concussion is a traumatic brain injury which is often caused by a blow to the head. They are often seen in contact sports.

Insurance Coverage for Sports Injuries

According to a report from the Canadian Institute for Health Information, approximately 17 million people end up in the emergency room across Canada every year and roughly 22% of these emergency room visits are caused by sports injuries. Whether you’re a professional athlete or an experienced sports instructor, it’s important that you have sports insurance that can cover sports injury rehabilitation.

What Is Sports Insurance?

Sports Insurance includes a liability policy package that protects fitness and sports athletes and professionals from injury, malpractice, or lawsuits alleging negligence. In general, typical health insurance plans don’t cover sports injuries. So, if you’re an athlete or practicing a sport regularly and suddenly experience an injury, a typical health insurance plan will not cover your sports injury rehabilitation.

Insurance Coverage Options Available for Sports Injury in Ontario

Commercial General Liability

If you own or operate a sporting organization, this type of insurance will protect you from accidental third-party bodily injury and third-party property damage. For instance, if one of your hockey players gets injured on your ice rink, your commercial general liability policy can prevent your business from being held liable. It will cover any legal and sports injury rehabilitation expenses.

Accident Policy

An accident policy provides medical coverage for sports athletes and participants. It covers the cost of psychological injuries or sports injury rehabilitation when an accident occurs while the individual is practicing their sport. Additionally, if the athlete or participant gets permanent damage caused by the initial injury, they will receive compensation for their injuries and ongoing coverage for their paramedical expenses.

Sports Performance

You don’t need to be injured to benefit from physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatment. If you’re looking to improve your performance in your sport, we can help! Whether you want to run faster, jump higher, or lift more, we can help you reach your goals.

To book an appointment, Call Us today at 416-691-3943 or contact us here.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sports Injuries

What kind of assesment do physiotherapists conduct for sports injury?

Physiotherapists conduct a thorough assessment of all injuries including subjective and objective components. During the subjective part, the physiotherapist will ask questions about your current injury, previous history of injuries, and sporting activities. During the objective part, he/she will watch you perform various movements, measure your strength, check your ligament stability and test other physical attributes. From this information, the physiotherapist can diagnose your injury and discuss your rehabilitation treatment options.

What are the benefits of doing physiotherapy for sports performance?
The benefits of physiotherapy for sports performance include increasing an athlete's strength, endurance, power, balance, and coordination. However, one of the greatest benefits is preventing future injuries.
What is the most common sports injury?
This depends highly on the sport being played. Muscle strains are very common in all sports. Tendinopathies are more common in sports with repetitive motion such as running or swimming. Ligament sprains are more common in sports involving cutting movements or contact.
Why are sports injuries bad?
Sports injuries can be painful for athletes and lower performance or even prevent an athlete from playing his/her sport.
What are some exercises that treat sport injuries?
A variety of strengthening and stretching exercises can be helpful for treating sports injuries. A physiotherapist can prescribe rehab exercises that are tailored to an athlete's ability and progress them according to their stage of recovery. Exercises that resemble movements performed during a sports are often encorporated.
What is the difference between a sports therapists and a sports massage therapist?
A sports therapist can include both physiotherapists and athletic therapists. These individuals will focus more on active recovery from injuries (performing rehab exercises), although they are also capable of performing manual therapy (hands-on) when needed. A sports massage therapist will specialise in hands-on techniques to help relieve muscle tension and mobilize soft tissues. Often, a combination of these approaches works best.
How long is the healing process for a rotator cuff injury?

The rehabilitation time depends on the nature of the injury. A strain of a rotator cuff muscle can heal in 1-3 weeks. A tear of the rotator cuff can take 6 weeks to 6 months or longer to heal, depending on the severity. Acute tendinitis of the rotator cuff can take 2-4 weeks to recover while a chronic tendinopathy can take 2-6 months.