Bone Health Programs

Bone is made up of living tissue that constantly changes throughout our life. Osteoblasts are bone building cells, and osteoclasts are cells that remove bone.

Why is Bone Health Important?

Your bones support your entire body and are vital to its basic functioning. Your bones are always in the process of breaking down and building anew. Peak bone mass occurs by about age 30.

How Can You Maintain Bone Health?

A physically active lifestyle greatly reduces the possibility of bone fractures because exercise is very effective in building bone and muscle mass, and in improving balance.

How We Can Help

Our clinics are proud to offer an array of bone health programs, and education on its importance. Osteo-circuit is an education and exercise program for people with osteoporosis or osteopenia.

To book an appointment, Call Us today at 416-691-3943 or contact us here.