Concussion & Vestibular Rehabilitation Physiotherapy Treatment in Toronto

These are two special forms of physiotherapy offered at our physiotherapy clinics in Toronto. These programs are overseen by Paul Godlewski, PT. Treatment is provided by Paul and other physiotherapy associates with specific training in these conditions.

Concussion Rehabilitation Therapy (CRT)

CRT is a form of physiotherapy that uses a science-based treatment protocol to address the symptoms of a concussion and post-concussion syndrome.

Treatment Plans for Concussions and Post-Concussion Syndrome

Our CRT program in Toronto involves two phases. The first phase, designed for recent concussions, involves six components: education, symptom relief, desensitization therapies, balance training, neck rehab therapy, and a stepwise approach to return to activity.

Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT)

VRT is a type of physiotherapy that uses special maneuvers and customized exercises to improve vertigo, dizziness, and balance disorders.

How can we treat vestibular and balance issues?

Our six-part VRT treatment plan in Toronto is designed to provide lasting alleviation of symptoms of vestibular disorders. Canalith repositioning entails hands-on maneuvers to treat BPPV.

To book an appointment with My Toronto Physio, Call Us today at (416) 691-3943 or contact us here.

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